Center for Physician Experience and Practice Excellence

Modern physicians face many competing demands that influence well-being. Despite evidence that more than 50% of physicians experience burnout and organizations increasingly committing resources to address the issue, there is an inadequate understanding of what approaches work to enhance the experiences of physicians across specialties and practice settings.
The Center for Physician Experience and Practice Excellence will draw upon the insights of physicians practicing in diverse clinical settings to generate and disseminate evidence on real-world solutions to improve physician well-being while enhancing patient care.

The Center for Physician Wellbeing and Practice Excellence’s vision and goals will address physician burnout, support practice transformation, enhance quality of care, identify concrete strategies that enable organizations to improve physicians’ experiences in providing care, and supporting the experiences of women and underrepresented minority physicians.
Our funders:
The Physician’s Foundation‘s funding priorities are physician leadership, physician perspectives on practice, physician wellness, and drivers of health.
The BWH Center for Physician Experience and Practice Excellence’s vision and goals align directly with Physicians Foundation priorities. Specifically, the Center’s work will advance the Foundations’ goals of addressing physician burnout, supporting practice transformation, enhancing quality of care, identifying concrete strategies that enable organizations to improve physicians’ experiences of providing care, and supporting the experiences of women and underrepresented minority physicians.